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Mental MAKE-UP!

We have all heard of the age old proverb “Beauty is only skin deep”! It’s so true, isn’t it? As in take for instance …you do anything and everything to look ravishing …you rub your body wi


Let there be SPACES in your TOGETHERNESS!

YOU KNOW WHAT …having enough space or privacy in a relationship is more important for a couple’s happiness than having a good sex life. So what is this hoopla about SPACE in a relationship! When

Vegetarian Dating Online

Vegetarian Dating Online

Do you feel like you might be in that area all day on your girl or either having sexual intercourse along with her for as long as it is possible to but she just doesn’t see


Inhale BEAUTY with “Aromatherapy”

It is a well know fact that the beauty industry is flooded with plethora of products and cosmetics. In the midst of the umpteen beautifying items, AROMATHERAPY – the century-old practice of using herb